The Telegram CEO and founder Pavel Durov has been released from police custody in France. Indeed, he is being transferred to a Paris court where he is set to be told the fate of his case, according to sources close to the matter.
Durov’s arrest certainly shocked the crypto market. Telegram has emerged this year. The Open Network, the applications layer 1 blockchain, has grown in popularity. Moreover, its Toncoin had surged to a $17 billion market cap prior to the founder’s arrest.
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Telegram CEO Transferred to Paris Court After Controversial Arrest
Throughout this week, the controversial arrest of Pavel Durov has dominated headlines. The situation continues to entice debate regarding censorship and compliance concerns. With Durove being taken into custody this past weekend, a new development has taken place.
The Telegram CEO has reportedly been released from police custody Wednesday. Indeed, Durov is set to be transferred to a Paris court, according to a CNN report. Sources claim that he was seen exiting the French capital’s anti-fraud office in “what appeared to be a police vehicle.”
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The founder of Telegram, Durov’s arrest is connected to activity taking place on the application. Specifically, French authorities arrested him following an investigation into the platform. His fate should be decided today. Indeed, France will either have to release or charge the CEO.
A press release from prosecutors does not specify if Durov has been charged. They describe the arrest as an aspect of its “judicial investigation” of individuals who were not named. The investigation is connected to fraud, child abuse, and drug trafficking allegations taking place through the application. Druov’s arrest was a result of his refusal to comply with wiretapping practices from those authorities.